A lelkipásztor, aki visszatért a klinikai halálból, azt hirdeti, a pokolban Rihanna szól

Egy szívrohamot kapó lelkész azt mondja, a pokolra került, amikor leállt a szíve. Állítása szerint azokban a percekben démonokat látott, akik Rihanna Umbrella című dalát énekelték. A TikTokra posztoló Gerald Johnson elmesélte 75 ezer követőjének, milyen érzés volt, hogy 2016-ban egy olyan helyen járt, ahová egyikünk sem szeretne kerülni. A férfi azt mondta, a lelke elhagyta a fizikai testét.
2024-07-04 08:06:58

A lelkipásztor, aki visszatért a klinikai halálból, azt hirdeti, a pokolban Rihanna szól

Egy szívrohamot kapó lelkész azt mondja, a pokolra került, amikor leállt a szíve. Állítása szerint azokban a percekben démonokat látott, akik Rihanna Umbrella című dalát énekelték. A TikTokra posztoló Gerald Johnson elmesélte 75 ezer követőjének, milyen érzés volt, hogy 2016-ban egy olyan helyen járt, ahová egyikünk sem szeretne kerülni. A férfi azt mondta, a lelke elhagyta a fizikai testét.
2024-07-04 08:06:44

Parties stress core messages as election nears

As polling day approaches the leaders have been travelling the country in a bid to win votes.
2024-07-03 00:06:37

NHS England to stress biological sex in ward allocations

Transgender women should not be put on single-sex female NHS wards, the government is proposing.
2024-04-30 03:06:27

German Catholic and Protestant bishops stress faith in face of wars

Post Content
2024-03-31 19:08:45

Family forced to move six times in five months

A mother-of-one says the stress of the situation had caused her to lose her hair.
2024-03-26 08:08:42

Scholz, Macron and Tusk stress unity and greater support for Ukraine

Post Content
2024-03-15 20:07:36

Dalmatian Visits UK School To Help Students With Stress

Post Content
2024-03-14 10:11:58

Brain power dropped among over-50s during Covid-19 pandemic, study shows

Cognitive skills, such as memory, waned - possibly linked to stress, loneliness and alcohol, study shows.
2023-11-02 08:09:13

Twitter faces 'stress test' of Europe's tough new Big Tech rules

Post Content
2023-06-23 07:12:19

This lizard species stress-eats to cope with noisy US Army aircraft

Living in a neighborhood with lots of noise can make you jittery, especially if you're a lizard that's just a few inches long.
2023-03-29 15:06:50

Islamist rebels claim responsibility for twin blasts in Damascus

An umbrella group of Syrian Islamist rebels has claimed responsibility for two bombings in Damascus Saturday that killed more than 70 people.
2023-02-25 09:06:43

Afraid to sleep indoors: Child survivors of deadly quake left traumatized

Relief organizations say victims are showing clear signs of post-traumatic stress disorder, especially children, many of whom have been left without parents.
2023-02-24 17:07:11

Why the nuclear weapons debate in South Korea is changing

They have them, so we need them.
2023-01-22 07:10:28

Why are South Koreans losing faith in America's nuclear umbrella?

They have them, so we need them.
2023-01-22 07:08:09

After hurricanes, program aims to help alleviate stress

Post Content
2022-11-13 09:12:44

Ukraine war: Allies seek more security at Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant

Britain, France, Germany and the US stress the need for nuclear safety as fighting rages in Ukraine.
2022-08-22 02:07:44

Climate change: Drought highlights dangers for electricity supplies

Dry conditions in the UK and Europe are stress on facilities including nuclear, say experts.
2022-08-13 09:21:13

Citi launches Zoom-Free Fridays, but there's a catch

Citigroup is launching "Zoom-Free Fridays" as a way to help the bank's burned-out employees cope with stress a year into the pandemic.
2021-03-24 03:06:17

Don't stress if you get these Covid-19 vaccine side effects

? Promising new update on Pfizer vaccine ? Some of Brazil's health workers are barely hanging on as surge worsens
2021-04-02 00:05:49

Sicknick death ruled 'natural' but experts say stress can set off strokes

Were the strokes that killed US Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick after the January 6 insurrection really natural? Some neurologists don't think so.
2021-04-21 05:05:40

Az agy szürkeállományát is befolyásolhatja a COVID-19

A Georgia Állami Egyetem kutatása szerint azoknál a koronavírus-betegeknél, akik oxigénes ellátásra szorulnak, vagy akiknek hosszabb ideig marad fenn a magas lázuk, csökken a szürkeállomány térfogata az agy frontális-temporális hálózatában. Ez a jelenség még hat hónappal később is azt eredményezte, hogy a felgyógyult betegeknek csökkent a mobilitásuk ? írja egy sajtóközlemény az EurekAlerten. A szürkeállomány nagyon fontos szerepet játszik az információfeldolgozásban, ha abnormális, az befolyásolhatja, milyen jól kommunikálnak egymással az idegsejtek. A Neurobiology of Stress tudományos folyó...
2021-05-12 14:06:07

America's unmasking brings liberation but also trepidation as huge questions loom

Americans stripped off their masks Thursday as the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention made the sudden announcement that vaccinated people no longer need to wear them indoors or outdoors. It was a great moment of liberation after a year of intense stress and fear, but also one of trepidation for many as the policy created a whole new set of complex questions for parents, employers, business owners and the millions of Americans who are still hesitant to get shots.
2021-05-14 08:05:45

Alexandra Soveral demonstrates this easy facial massage intended to help clear skin from accumulated stress and toxins. Click here for more at-home spa tips.
2021-05-18 11:05:55

Novak Djokovic: Boris Becker, Goran Ivanisevic & Nikola Pilic on making of a champion

Novak Djokovic has "two sides" and can be a "24-hour stress" to coach - Boris Becker, Goran Ivanisevic and Nikola Pilic on what makes him a champion.
2021-05-27 09:06:15

A refreshing reset: Let's aim for an emotionally healthier summer

A year ago, you'll recall that our family lives were in chaos. We were managing the initial shock and fear of quarantine life. We were adjusting to working from home and acclimating ourselves to Zoom calls and daily life in front of screens. Stress ran high in households as families were, often for the first time, spending virtually all of their time together with no breaks.
2021-05-28 14:05:42

Osaka fiasco shines spotlight on tennis' 'vulture's pit'

It's the modern day equivalent of the Roman Empire's gladiatorial shows. After playing for several hours, often in hot and humid conditions, with their emotional reserves ebbing and stress levels sky rocketing, tennis stars enter the media's ice cold inner sanctum -- the post-match press conference.
2021-06-01 19:06:24

The Naomi Osaka fiasco is a sign that we're nowhere near finished with work on mental health

It's the modern day equivalent of the Roman Empire's gladiatorial shows. After playing for several hours, often in hot and humid conditions, with their emotional reserves ebbing and stress levels sky rocketing, tennis stars enter the media's ice cold inner sanctum -- the post-match press conference.
2021-06-01 19:06:25

Does America have a drinking problem?

Over the past year, nearly a quarter of the country reported increased drinking to deal with stress, according to the American Psychological Association. CNN's Michael Smerconish examines America's drinking habits and how the pandemic has exacerbated them.
2021-06-05 18:05:40

Biden, Johnson to stress close ties, manage differences

2021-06-10 07:06:16

?Ilyet egy hős nem csinál? ? ezzel a dumával törölték a Macskanőt kényeztető Batman jelenetét

Bruce Wayne-nek a különböző, párhuzamos univerzumokban játszódó történetekben több gyereke is van különböző nőktől (így az HBO Max és a DC Entertainment közös Harley Quinn című rajzfilmsorozatának új évadában a partnereként szereplő Macskanővel is), szóval valószínűleg van nemi élete. Viszont aki a világ egyik legismertebb fiktív milliárdosáról azt gondolta volna a különc denevérjelmeze miatt, hogy perverz, az most ki fog ábrándulni. Az élőszereplős filmekben Margot Robbie által alakított Harley Quinnről elnevezett rajzfilmsorozat egyik új részéből ugyanis az alkotók szerint ki kellett vágniu...
2021-06-15 18:06:04

Batman nem kényeztetheti orálisan Macskanőt, mert a ?hősök nem csinálnak ilyet?

A Variety a szuperhős-zsánerben eredetit alkotó filmesekről és munkáikról írott cikkében különös aprósgra derült fény. Justin Halpern és Patrick Schumacker meséltek arról, hogy a DC azt kérte, hagyják ki az általuk készített, egyébként eleve felnőtt tartalomként futó animációs Harley Quinn-sorozat harmadik évadjából azt a jelenetet, melyben Batman orális szexben részesíti Macskanőt. A két alkotó arról beszélt a Varietynek, hogy, mivel a sorozat eleve szabados, hiszen Harley bajkeverőkkel tölti az idejét, így a mellékszereplők történetszálaiban is megengedhetnek maguknak olyasmit, amit máskor ...
2021-06-16 17:06:16

England fast bowler Stone out for season with back injury

England fast bowler Olly Stone is ruled out of the remainder of the summer with a stress fracture of the back.
2021-06-19 15:06:21

International Day of Yoga 2021: Find the path to your well-being

Maybe you need a mental escape from stress. Perhaps you need time to rejuvenate your health. You might simply want to feel more limber.
2021-06-21 13:05:40

What it's really like to be an Amazon warehouse worker during Prime Day

For much of the past 16 months, Amazon's warehouse workers have faced grueling pressure to keep up with the demand from households for online goods during the pandemic. Now, workers must endure the stress of meeting a spike in orders from Amazon's summer shopping holiday, which kicks off Monday.
2021-06-21 16:05:42

Britney Spears not only blazed a trail, she might just make us better humans

When the world thinks "troubled" Britney Spears, the paparazzi captured images of her with a shaved head, attacking a photographer's vehicle with an umbrella in 2007 probably come to mind.
2021-06-23 22:06:50

Covid-19: Singapore schools tackle mental health amid pandemic stress

Mental health was rarely discussed in Singapore's academically rigorous schools - but that's changing.
2021-06-25 03:06:15

US airports expect long lines and high stress for July 4th travel

CNN's Pete Muntean reports that the Fourth of July weekend is expected to be one of the busiest days for US airports since the start of the pandemic.
2021-07-02 20:05:50

Orbán Viktornak írt levelet egy száműzetésben élő, a hongkongi demokráciáért küzdő aktivista

?Az emberek csodálkoznak, hogy egy száműzetésben élő aktivista miért törődik a magyar politikával. A válasz az, hogy ami történik Budapesten, az befolyásolja Hongkongot. (?) 2010 óta a magyar és kínai kormány folyamatos közeledése megbénította az EU nyomásgyakorló mechanizmusait Peking emberi jogokat megsértő intézkedéseinek ügyében? ? idézi a 444.hu Nathan Law a Politico-ban megjelent levelét. A Hszi Csin-ping által vezetett Kínai Kommunista Párt (KKP) és az Orbán-kormány szövetségét nemcsak a magyar, de a hongkongi ellenzék sem támogatja. Nathan Law, a 2014-es Umbrella Movement egyik vezető...
2021-07-05 14:06:12

McGregor 'had multiple stress fractures in shin' going into Poirier fight

Conor McGregor says he was already injured before suffering a broken leg in the fight with Dustin Poirier in Las Vegas at UFC 264.
2021-07-15 20:06:09

2020 was a record year for stress, hitting mothers with children at home hardest

The pandemic year that will go down in history set records for stress, worry, anger and sadness among both men and women worldwide, according to a new planetary survey of emotions in 2020.
2021-07-20 07:05:47

Covid 'pingdemic' and Brexit mean food and gas shortages in parts of UK

A dramatic surge in Covid-19 cases is forcing hundreds of thousands of workers to stay home in Britain, causing shortages of food and gasoline and heaping stress on supply chains that were already strained by Brexit.
2021-07-22 16:05:51

Covid 'pingdemic' and Brexit mean food and gas shortages in parts of UK

A dramatic surge in Covid-19 cases is forcing hundreds of thousands of workers to stay home in Britain, causing shortages of food and gasoline and heaping stress on supply chains that were already strained by Brexit.
2021-07-22 18:05:47

'Less thinking' and other tips on stress from an Olympian

Armand "Mondo" Duplantis holds the world record in pole vault and he's sharing his tips on managing stress in competition to help the rest of us manage stress in everyday life.
2021-07-22 20:05:42

Ex-trainer breaks down stress factors behind Biles' withdrawal

Simone Biles has withdrawn from the individual all-around competition to focus on her mental health, USA Gymnastics announced. It comes after her dramatic withdrawal from the team competition a day earlier. CNN's Kim Brunhuber speaks to Biles' former trainer Robert Andrews about the mounting pressure the gymnast faces.
2021-07-28 11:05:41

Boris Johnson has epic battle with umbrella

CNN's John Berman pokes fun at British Prime Minister Boris Johnson after the world leader engaged in an epic struggle with an umbrella.
2021-07-30 15:05:44

England's Archer to miss T20 World Cup and Ashes with stress fracture of elbow

England fast bowler Jofra Archer will miss this winter's T20 World Cup and the Ashes tour of Australia with a stress facture of the elbow.
2021-08-05 15:06:33

How pandemic financial stress impacts mental health, and what we can do about it

Since coronavirus shuttered the world in the early months of 2020, the financial impact has taken a significant -- and often invisible -- toll.
2021-08-09 17:05:40

Amikor a szomorú bohóc pisztolyt ránt a gyerekzsúron

Új klip készült a Jazzékiel tavalyi Szép napok című negyedik nagylemeze címadó dalához. ?Magányos, rideg szituációk érzelem- és kötődésmentes lebegésben? ? olvasható a zenekar közleményében, és a 24.hu-n debütáló, melankolikus klipben tényleg erős beállításokat láthatunk: van gyerekzsúron szomorkodó bohóc, baljós hangulatú keresztelés, egy ballonkabátos férfi pedig súlyos morális döntést hoz meg egy kopott, szocreál irodaház előtt. A gospeles lüktetésű dalhoz készült videoklipet Szabó Áron rendezte, aki az elmúlt években már több filmet is forgatott a Jazzékielnek. Az operatőri munkáért ismét...
2021-08-11 09:05:54

Stress is normal, until it's not. How to tell the difference

Stress is an everyday occurrence for most people, but too much of it could be signs of a deeper issue.
2021-08-11 12:06:07

Cops, teens, use yoga to relieve stress

2021-08-13 02:05:42

How to start a healthy morning routine ? and stick with it

How you start each morning has a huge impact ? positively or negatively ? on the rest of your day. By practicing a healthy morning routine, you can increase your productivity, decrease stress, boost happiness and more.
2021-08-24 13:05:44

Mississippi's nurses are resigning to protect themselves from Covid-19 burnout

Earlier this month, Mississippi ICU nurse Nichole Atherton resigned, worn down by the stress, young patients and preventable deaths that have overwhelmed the state's hospitals during the Covid-19 pandemic.
2021-08-26 03:05:42

Múzeumlátogatásra küldhetik a betegeket az orvosok Brüsszelben

Múzeumlátogatást írhatnak fel a Covid-stresszben szenvedőknek az orvosok Brüsszelben egy három hónapos kutatás keretében. A belga főváros legnagyobb kórházában, a Brugmann kórházban a koronavírus-járvány okozta stressz miatt kezelt betegeknek öt ingyenes látogatást ajánlanak fel a város múzeumaiban ? írta a Guardian online kiadása alapján az MTI. Az eredményeket jövőre publikálják, a projektet pedig kiterjesztik, amennyiben sikeresnek mutatkozik a kiégésnek és a pszichés stressz egyéb tüneteinek enyhítésében. Brüsszel kultúráért felelős vezetője, Delphine Houba elmondása szerint a kutatást a ...
2021-09-02 17:05:56

This Bentley is $2 million, roof not included

There was a slight drizzle when I was getting ready to go for a short drive in Bentley's new Bacalar. Ordinarily, this would not be a big deal. The rain was hardly enough to warrant an umbrella. Except the Bentley Bacalar has no roof.
2021-09-10 16:05:49

A record 227 people killed defending the environment last year, report shows

Behind the veil of the Covid-19 pandemic, 227 people were killed last year protecting forests, water and other natural resources under increasing stress from climate change, making 2020 the deadliest year on record for environmental defenders according to a report published Monday.
2021-09-13 05:05:43

Bentley's $2 million roofless car might be worth every penny

There was a slight drizzle when I was getting ready to go for a short drive in Bentley's new Bacalar. Ordinarily, this would not be a big deal. The rain was hardly enough to warrant an umbrella. Except the Bentley Bacalar has no roof.
2021-09-13 06:05:45

Higher stress levels raise blood pressure, risk of heart attack and stroke, study finds

Is that stress pumping steadily through your veins? Even if your blood pressure is normal right now, high stress levels may put you at risk of developing hypertension within the next decade or so, a new study found.
2021-09-13 12:05:45

2020 was the deadliest year for environmental defenders

Behind the veil of the Covid-19 pandemic, 227 people were killed last year protecting forests, water and other natural resources under increasing stress from climate change, making 2020 the deadliest year on record for environmental defenders according to a report published Monday.
2021-09-13 22:05:47

'Venom: Let There Be Carnage' could use some brains in more ways than one

Two head-chomping symbiotes aren't better than one in "Venom: Let There Be Carnage," a mind-numbingly tiresome sequel, filled with uninspired comedy and a CGI monster fight that seems to drag on forever. Although this falls under the Sony umbrella, it represents most toothless enterprise under Marvel's banner since its cinematic march began in 2008.
2021-09-30 18:05:49

The hi-tech headbands that claim to reduce your stress

Devices that measure brainwaves are increasingly being used by athletes to improve their performance.
2021-10-11 02:06:16

The global supply chain nightmare is about to get worse

Computer chip shortages. Epic port congestion. And a serious lack of truck drivers. The world's delicate supply chains are under extreme stress.
2021-10-12 23:05:44

The global supply chain nightmare is about to get even tougher

Computer chip shortages. Epic port congestion. And a serious lack of truck drivers. The world's delicate supply chains are under extreme stress.
2021-10-14 13:05:48

Biden alone can't end the supply chain crisis

The Biden administration is making a concerted effort to ease the extreme stress on supply chains that is causing sticker shock, leaving store shelves empty and creating lengthy shipping delays.
2021-10-14 20:05:46


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